Sunday, April 25, 2010

I thought I would write a post to update everyone on Emma's arrival. We are scheduled to check in to St. Vincent's tonight to begin preparing for delivery (induction) first thing in the morning (April 26). Bradley and I have enjoyed our last few days together as 2. We have rested a lot-since we won't be able to do much of that once Emma arrives, and we have just enjoyed spending time together. We are both VERY ready for Emma to arrive and cannot wait to see her, hold her, and love her. We will be updating this site regularly to keep everyone posted on the happenings of Emma and our family of 3. We hope that you enjoy reading!!! Please keep us in your prayers as we begin this new journey.

Throughout the day tomorrow - Bradley will be keeping everyone updated on facebook and twitter. We will also send out an email and text message once she arrives.
Love, B and K

Monday, April 5, 2010

Nursery in the works

Here are a few pictures as we work to complete the nursery before Emma arrives real soon :)
for more updates, you can follow bradley on twitter, or keep a watch on facebook.