Sunday, September 12, 2010

Happy Baby!!!

I realized the other day that I had not posted on here in a month. So much has happened since I last posted. Emma is growing and changing every single day. I will try to give your the highlights of this past two months.

Just a few days shy of her 4 month "birthday" Emma decided to show out and roll over from her tummy to her back.

Emma has just started to eat "real" food. Well as real as rice cereal and liguid squash can be. After a few days of trying, she finally got the hang of it and now can open her mouth really big. :) (Please forgive my commentary)

Emma has also discovered that she has a voice that can be very loud at times. We just say that she is getting ready to sing. :)
I love this video. Bradley had laid her down for a nap, but as you will see- a nap is not what Emma had in mind. My favorite part is when she discovers that her daddy is taping her.

This is a picture that Bradley took at Emma's first visit to the Quad. She loves to eat her toes.

Emma celebrated her 5 month birthday yesterday! We can't believe how the time has passed so quickly. We are just soaking up every moment with her. She is a doll!!!