Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Count Your Blessings!!

As a school teacher, my calendar year typically runs from August-July. My year begins in August when school starts and ends when summer vacation ends in July. Because of this I have recently been reflecting over the past year. This time last year we were pregnant (and didn't know it yet), living in Bradley's Great-grandmother's house (because our Hoover house had not sold yet), and I was beginning a brad new job- teaching Middle School Chorus in Tuscaloosa. My oh my how much has changed in just a year. As we have looked back Bradley and I have recently been discussing how blessed we are. As we look back over the past four years of our married life together we are amazed at how far God has brought us and we both will tell you that we would have NEVER thought we would end up in Tuscaloosa. As hard as it was to drop everything and follow God's calling, we now see the blessings that are flowing because of it.

I just thought I would share some of the blessings that HE has given us over that past year.
Bradley is privileged to work at FWC as Media Director and Worship leader. He is following the calling that he felt many years ago while attending a Student Life Camp. After leaving my "perfect" job in Gardendale Elem. and teaching last year in Tuscaloosa at two middle schools - I have now been given the perfect job- Wife to Bradley, Mother to Emma, and also sharing my love of music three days a week to Elementary students at a school just down the road from our house. Emma will attend daycare at FWC -which means her daddy is just down the hallway. (this is very comforting to me as the mom.) If we had not followed God and made the move to Tuscaloosa, we would not be in a position where I could have the opportunity to work part-time and stay at home some with my sweet baby girl. We found wonderful renters for our Hoover house which allowed us to move out of Mama Wren's and have a place of our own. We are blessed to worship every Sunday at FWC and also have a great Sunday school class where we have met wonderful people and developed some great friendships. The past year has not been easy- there have definitely been moments that I have questioned God, wondered why He asked me to leave what I loved behind, and enter a new chapter of life that was extremely difficult at times. But through it all we trusted in HIM and knew that He was in control and that His plan was much better than ours. It has definitely been a path full of twists and turns, but it is a path that God is leading and we would not have it any other way.

The biggest blessing of all was the birth of Emma. She has blessed us more than she will ever know and we are blessed to be her parents.

I will close with a verse that has carried me through this year. It is a verse that I have always loved, but its words have meant more to me this past year than ever before. It is a verse that most people know, but it became my daily prayer this past year. Jeremiah 29:11 " For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
As we look back over the past year and see how far God has brought us, we anxiously await to see what He has in store for us during this next year.