Sunday, September 12, 2010

Happy Baby!!!

I realized the other day that I had not posted on here in a month. So much has happened since I last posted. Emma is growing and changing every single day. I will try to give your the highlights of this past two months.

Just a few days shy of her 4 month "birthday" Emma decided to show out and roll over from her tummy to her back.

Emma has just started to eat "real" food. Well as real as rice cereal and liguid squash can be. After a few days of trying, she finally got the hang of it and now can open her mouth really big. :) (Please forgive my commentary)

Emma has also discovered that she has a voice that can be very loud at times. We just say that she is getting ready to sing. :)
I love this video. Bradley had laid her down for a nap, but as you will see- a nap is not what Emma had in mind. My favorite part is when she discovers that her daddy is taping her.

This is a picture that Bradley took at Emma's first visit to the Quad. She loves to eat her toes.

Emma celebrated her 5 month birthday yesterday! We can't believe how the time has passed so quickly. We are just soaking up every moment with her. She is a doll!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Count Your Blessings!!

As a school teacher, my calendar year typically runs from August-July. My year begins in August when school starts and ends when summer vacation ends in July. Because of this I have recently been reflecting over the past year. This time last year we were pregnant (and didn't know it yet), living in Bradley's Great-grandmother's house (because our Hoover house had not sold yet), and I was beginning a brad new job- teaching Middle School Chorus in Tuscaloosa. My oh my how much has changed in just a year. As we have looked back Bradley and I have recently been discussing how blessed we are. As we look back over the past four years of our married life together we are amazed at how far God has brought us and we both will tell you that we would have NEVER thought we would end up in Tuscaloosa. As hard as it was to drop everything and follow God's calling, we now see the blessings that are flowing because of it.

I just thought I would share some of the blessings that HE has given us over that past year.
Bradley is privileged to work at FWC as Media Director and Worship leader. He is following the calling that he felt many years ago while attending a Student Life Camp. After leaving my "perfect" job in Gardendale Elem. and teaching last year in Tuscaloosa at two middle schools - I have now been given the perfect job- Wife to Bradley, Mother to Emma, and also sharing my love of music three days a week to Elementary students at a school just down the road from our house. Emma will attend daycare at FWC -which means her daddy is just down the hallway. (this is very comforting to me as the mom.) If we had not followed God and made the move to Tuscaloosa, we would not be in a position where I could have the opportunity to work part-time and stay at home some with my sweet baby girl. We found wonderful renters for our Hoover house which allowed us to move out of Mama Wren's and have a place of our own. We are blessed to worship every Sunday at FWC and also have a great Sunday school class where we have met wonderful people and developed some great friendships. The past year has not been easy- there have definitely been moments that I have questioned God, wondered why He asked me to leave what I loved behind, and enter a new chapter of life that was extremely difficult at times. But through it all we trusted in HIM and knew that He was in control and that His plan was much better than ours. It has definitely been a path full of twists and turns, but it is a path that God is leading and we would not have it any other way.

The biggest blessing of all was the birth of Emma. She has blessed us more than she will ever know and we are blessed to be her parents.

I will close with a verse that has carried me through this year. It is a verse that I have always loved, but its words have meant more to me this past year than ever before. It is a verse that most people know, but it became my daily prayer this past year. Jeremiah 29:11 " For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
As we look back over the past year and see how far God has brought us, we anxiously await to see what He has in store for us during this next year.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Prayers for Emma

It has been an adventurous two days in the Hodges house. I will try to make a long story short...but I am not good at that. :)

On Thursday, July 29 I called the Dr. to ask about Emma's cough and rattling in her chest. I was hesitant about calling because we had just seen him last week for her heart check and Emma has not acted sick at all and has never run a fever. She was still smiling and talking and being her normal wonderful self, but after Bradley and I discussed it we decided that a phone call would not hurt. So after calling in, the nurse suggested that we come in for a check-up since the runny nose had been going on for over 2 weeks. So we went in at 4:30 and things just got crazy from there. The doctor asked us to describe her cough and we did the best that we could... of course she did not cough at all while we at the doctors office. He listened to her breathing, checked her oxygen levels, stuck her foot for a blood test and then suggested that he was trying to rule out Whooping Cough! (In the back of my mind - my thoughts were racing and the TV commercial about Whooping cough was playing through my mind. Immediate guilt sank in.) By this time is was 5:20 and he was sending us down the road to the Radiology Clinic for a Chest X-ray. We rushed to get there because we were told they closed at 5:30. We made it- had an eventful check-in because the Dr. sent us without any orders, but finally we got the X-ray. We then had to go back to the doctors office to meet with Dr. Farmer. (I would like to add that at this point it was after 6:00 and Dr. Farmer was now on his own time. He could have turned us over to the on-call doctor, but he chose to stay there for us.) We met with Dr. Farmer and he explained the next step. This involved us going to Big DCH, checking in through the ER, going upstairs to 3rd floor pediatrics, and torture for Emma. The whole time I am thinking- We only came in for a simple cough. What have I done to my child? But then again it is better to be safe than sorry and with the type of cough she has had and the fact that she is only 3 months old it was better to do this now than later. So we arrived on 3rd floor Ped. (after a visit with Aunt Tara in the ER) and were put in a room. We had 2 very wonderful nurses that did 3 nose "swabs" and took 1 blood draw in the arm. Thank goodness Bradley was there to help hold Emma, because I was quite teary eyed at this point. Before we left the hospital Dr. Farmer came to our room to let us know that the chest X-ray showed no signs of pneumonia and did not hint towards whooping cough. There was some inflammation, but nothing too terribly bad. So he said we could go home and he put Emma on an antibiotic for Whooping cough just to be on the safe side and said that he would see us Friday morning to discuss the test results.

So we came home Thursday night around 8:30 from our 4:30 "supposed to be simple" Doctors appointment. We were given instructions to begin her antibiotic that evening and to have Emma sleep in our room (something she has not done since 3 weeks old). We were to monitor her coughing spells and make sure that she did not stop breathing. We were do to all of this and get some sleep. HA! I tried to sleep, but how much sleep can one get when all you can do is think about the "what if's" and just pray that everything is okay. Overall, she had a pretty good night. Only a few coughing spells and she did not stop breathing.

We returned to the doctor Friday morning to receive okay news. The test results that he had gotten back so far indicated a rise in her platelets and something else )I don't remember what it was). This could indicate Whooping Cough, but it also could indicate a viral infection. We are hoping for the viral infection. He wanted to keep Emma on the antibiotic for Whooping cough since she is so young and see her in one week. Later this week we should receive the test results that will give us a better idea about what is causing this cough. If it is indeed whooping cough then Bradley and I will be treated. The doctor said that for now we must consider her contagious and keep her at home. Bradley and I are okay for now, but we will know more when the test results come back. If she does have whooping cough then we will be treated as well.

Please keep Emma in your prayers. I know that God is in control and has the power to heal her and take away this cough and whatever is causing it. Please also pray that God will keep Bradley and myself well and that He will guide our paths and give us clear direction. I will update in a few days after we know more.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

3 Months Old

A Sweet Little Girl!

This past month has been an exciting month for Emma. We finally began to venture out of the house and do things. ( I decided to follow the doctors orders and not take Emma places until she was 8 weeks old.) It was so nice to see the outside world and travel and visit family and friends. Here are some pictures to show what we have been doing this past month!

Our first big adventure was to Church!!! This was such a special day for us because not only was it Emma's first day to go to church, but it was also Father's Day. She did so well and was very quiet during the service.

This picture was taken after church- We were no longer in our church clothes, but at least it is a First Father's Day picture.

Emma also went swimming for the first time! She LOVED it! The water was very warm (like bath water) and she just relaxed and floated in my arms. She also liked hanging out poolside with her cousin Parker.

We went to Destin, FL to visit Pop and Chickee (Bradley's Dad and Step-mom). Emma was an excellent traveler and did very well on the beach. We could only stay on the beach for about 2 hours and then we would have to come in because it was so hot. But the beach was beautiful!!!

Emma's First Trip to Grandma and Pawpaw's (Visiting Karla's parents in Cullman) She received her first Shampoo at the Beauty Shop on this trip. (For those of you that don't know- my mother is a hairdresser and we just happened to be at the beauty shop for haircuts and we just could not leave Emma out of the fun- so a hair wash it was.)

The family attending 80's Skate Night at Super Skate- First Wesleyan Church Function

Emma in her party dress at her cousin Spencer's 3 birthday party!!

Emma meeting her Great- Aunt Mattlyn for the very first time.

It was also during this month that God once again continued to bless our family. He has provided an opportunity for me to teach Elementary Music again and still stay at home some too. I am so excited to once again teach and share my love of music with Elementary students. I will be teaching part-time at a local Elementary School here in Tuscaloosa and teaching music 3 days a week. What a blessing- He always provides.

He also asked us to trust in Him in a big way. At Emma's 2 month check-up the Dr. thought he heard a heart murmur. He said it did not sound like the normal heart murmur - caused by a valve just not being completely closed. He thought it sounded like a blood flow problem. If you know me- then you probably know that in the past I have been a worry wart- but when I heard the doctor say she might have a heart defect- We immediately began to pray for healing and CLAIMED that HE would heal her! (This is something that He has taught us (me especially) to do over the past year. Thank you to our SS teacher Carol for being a great leader in this way of thinking and praying.)
Because I had turned it over to Him and claimed that His will was going to be done- I never worried about it again. And praise be to God- Dr. Farmer did NOT hear a heart murmur at the 3 month re-check. We serve an amazing God. Emma reminds me of that everyday. To know that this sweet little girl was formed by HIM and we were chosen to be her parents, just humbles me. I am so thankful for Him many blessings.

We are looking forward to what things will occur during this upcoming month. The big event so far seems to be Emma starting daycare when I go back to work in August. But, once again He is watching over us- and we are so lucky that Emma will go to work with her Daddy everyday and be in the church Daycare just down the hallway. It is so comforting to me that Bradley will be right there if Emma needs anything. It is such a blessing!! God is Good!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

2 months old!!! I cannot believe our baby girl is already 2 months old. These past eight weeks have been wonderful and I am so glad that I have quite a bit more time at home with my sweet girl. Yesterday, we went for Emma's 2 month check-up. She now weighs 10lbs. 3 oz. and is doing great. Monday of this week Emma decided that she would begin "talking". I absolutely LOVE listening to her cooing as she tries so hard to tell us what she is thinking about. It seems like she has grown so much within the past week. She is smiling more and more and loves for you to talk to her so she can "talk" back to you.

This past Sunday, Emma went to church for the very first time. It was a very special day because this happened on Father's Day. I was so proud watching Bradley carry his little girl around and introduce her to our church family. Emma was a sweet little girl and stayed quiet during the service.

This week we are getting out and about a little more, but doing our best to stay out of the HOT summer sun. I am just so thankful that Emma is easy going and likes to sit in her car seat.

The picture at the top of the page is Emma's announcement picture. (Her talented Daddy took this.) I just think it is beautiful, but then again I am little biased. She was one month old in this picture.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Out and About

Emma is now 6 weeks old... where has the time gone?
This past weekend we made our first trip to Cullman to visit my family for the first time since Emma's birth. Emma did a great job as we made the 2 hour trip. I am so glad the she enjoys riding in the car. On Friday night my family came to my parents house to grill out, swim, and hold Emma. I was so proud of her... she was so sweet as she was passed around and never once cried. I must say again that we are so blessed to have such a sweet and easy going baby. It was a great visit and nice to see my mom and dad.

Today Emma and I ventured out of the house for a trip to Publix. I was given the okay on Friday at my Dr.s appointment to finally lift more than 10 pounds. This makes it much easier for me to take Emma out since I can now lift her and carry her in her car seat. It was a great first grocery store visit. She slept through most of the visit which made it easier on me.

Emma is growing, growing, growing! She loves to lay in the floor now and look up at her jungle gym. Last week she found herself in the mirror and talk to herself a little. She now smiles when you talk to her. She still LOVES to kick her legs (especially her left leg.) Bradley and I are in debate as to whether she will be a drummer or a soccer player. She is much more alert now and will hold her head up to look around the room. We love just watching her and observing all of the new things that she is doing and discovering. I am so thankful for this wonderful blessing in my life.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Our first weeks...

Well, Emma is four weeks old today and I thought I would finally write an update on the past few weeks.
I will begin with our hospital adventure.
Labor and Delivery: Since Emma did not arrive by her due date (April 23), we decided that it would be in the best interest of both mom and baby to schedule an induction. So, Bradley and I checked in to St. Vincent's on Sunday, April 25 at 8:00 PM to begin the process. We did our best to sleep, but with the excitement of the day ahead and the uncomfortable sleeping arrangement, neither of us got very much sleep. The great part was that we were able to listen to Emma's heartbeat all night long on the monitor. Bright and early Monday morning (April 26) the Dr. came in to break my water at 6:00 AM- soon after I began having TRUE contractions. I was given a little pain medicine to help with the pain until I was able to get an epidural. At this point I was thinking (along with Bradley) I am so glad that we are at the hospital having these contractions and not in the car driving from Tuscaloosa. The Lord took care of us in that aspect because we were both a little nervous about that drive. I finally received my epidural around 9:00 AM (which I must say- was a lot more painful than I had anticipated, but so worth it.) Once I received the epidural I was great- Bradley had to tell me when I was having a contraction. Haha. By 11:00 AM I had progressed to 4 cm. and then I went no further. My awesome Labor and Delivery nurse- Melissa- tried everything she knew to do to help me progress more, but Emma was determined to stay in her mommy. After a discussion with my Doctor at 2:00 PM, no more progression, and a concern that Emma was going to be well over 8 lbs. based on her 39 week ultrasound we decided that it would be best to have C-section. We informed the family that was there with us, packed up our room because we would now be on the C-section floor instead of Labor and Delivery floor, and prepared for surgery. I remember feeling a bit nervous and scared about the surgery, but also excited that we were about to meet our baby girl. We said our good-byes to our family and Bradley's mom said a prayer for us - and prayed that the Lord would be glorified through this surgery, and then we were wheeled into the OR. With Bradley sitting at my head and the best Dr.'s and nurses in the world we were ready to meet Emma. Things were going great and I will never forget the sound of Emma's first cry and the Dr. saying- she has a head full of hair!! AT 3:41 PM Emma entered the world!! At this point things changed- I remember having a severe burning feeling in my right chest and asking the nurse if I should be feeling that and in pain. She of course said no and began giving me more pain meds. I then realized that I was feeling a lot more than I should and was in more pain that I can describe as they stitched me up. My doctor told me they could put me to sleep, but I knew that I had almost made it to the end and I wanted to see and hold my baby girl, and putting me to sleep would only prolong that. So I asked her how long it would be before they were done and she told me 20 minutes. So with Bradley encouraging me, I just breathed as deeply as I could, focused on Emma's crying, and repeated "God will not give me more than I can handle" over and over and over. I tell this part of the story only because I know that did not have the strength to get through those 20 minutes by myself. I want people to know that it was ONLY because of the Lord's strength that I was able to get through this and I want HIM to receive the glory. The Dr.'s were finally finished and I was able to hold my sweet baby girl making it all totally worth it. We really aren't sure why I experienced the pain- it was either a reaction I had to the pain meds or the epidural just did not last long enough. (Just one of those freak things.) The Dr. also told me that the Umbilical Cord was wrapped around her neck- so it was the Lord's plan for her to be born by C-section. HE ALWAYS KNOWS BEST!!

We spent the next four days in the hospital and were given the BEST care. We were visited by lots of family and friends and just enjoyed loving on our sweet baby girl. We came home on Friday, April 30 and began adjusting to our new schedule involving Emma. We were so blessed to have meals provided by the music department of FWC and our family. It was such a blessing to not have to worry about fixing a meal. A big thanks to all that contributed. :)

We are slowly learning how to be a mommy and a daddy. I can't describe the love I have for this precious baby. I remember telling Bradley in the hospital that people always tell you that you will love them like you have never loved anything before- and yes that it so true, but it is SO much more than that. It is a feeling that you just can't explain. To know that this sweet little girl was created inside of me - is just simply a miracle. I am overwhelmed at the awesomeness of God. To know that this little girl was created by Him and that He chose Bradley and I to love her and care for her just fills my heart with so many emotions. We are so blessed and are relying on the Lord's strength to get us through each day and trusting in His wisdom to guide us as we raise this precious little girl. We ask for your continued prayers as we travel down this road.

Memorable moments from the past 4 weeks:
1. We discovered right away that Emma does not like footed pajamas. She kicks and squirms and screams if she is put in them. I guess she was so cramped inside me that she wants to be able to stretch out and not touch anything when she does. So needless to say we do not wear footed PJ's.- only gowns with socks.

2. We recently tried size 1 diapers on Emma - and Bradley quickly discovered that the size 1 diapers do NOT have the yellow line on them that turns blue when Emma tee-tees. He quickly announced that he did NOT like this and wasn't sure what he was going to do about it. ( I will say that he is learning how to tell if she is wet without the yellow/blue line.) He's a GREAT daddy!!!

3. We tried to put Emma in her swing after we got her home- well to say she wasn't a fan would be an understatement. She SCREAMED!!!! So we will try it again when she is little older.

4. I love it when someone else is holding Emma and she hears my voice or Bradley's voice and turns her head to find us. So sweet to know that she knows who we are.

5. I love to watch her as she is just waking up- she loves to stretch and arch her back.

We are blessed to call her our daughter.
B and K

Sunday, April 25, 2010

I thought I would write a post to update everyone on Emma's arrival. We are scheduled to check in to St. Vincent's tonight to begin preparing for delivery (induction) first thing in the morning (April 26). Bradley and I have enjoyed our last few days together as 2. We have rested a lot-since we won't be able to do much of that once Emma arrives, and we have just enjoyed spending time together. We are both VERY ready for Emma to arrive and cannot wait to see her, hold her, and love her. We will be updating this site regularly to keep everyone posted on the happenings of Emma and our family of 3. We hope that you enjoy reading!!! Please keep us in your prayers as we begin this new journey.

Throughout the day tomorrow - Bradley will be keeping everyone updated on facebook and twitter. We will also send out an email and text message once she arrives.
Love, B and K

Monday, April 5, 2010

Nursery in the works

Here are a few pictures as we work to complete the nursery before Emma arrives real soon :)
for more updates, you can follow bradley on twitter, or keep a watch on facebook.

Monday, January 4, 2010

new blog

the new blog will get updated in plenty of time before emma gets here, keep a watch for updates