Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!!!!

My oh my... it has been way too long since I have updated the blog. I will do my best to hit the highlights and fill you in on the happenings in the Hodges family.

In mid-October we had our first Family pictures made. Here are a few of them:

Emma's First Halloween- Here she is in her pumpkin pajama's. She was a bumble bee for Halloween, but I can't seem to find a picture of that.

November was a big month for us.
The first few days of November were spent encouraging Emma to sit up all by herself, which she did. We spent so much time on this because I wanted it to happen before my big trip. I traveled to Spokane, WA for a Music Teacher Conference and left Bradley and Emma at home for 5 days!! It was difficult, but I did not cry one time. (Well maybe once) I was very proud of myself. When I returned home Bradley had already left for a Worship Conference he was attending in Mobile. So where was Emma? She was at her Grandma and Pawpaw's!! She spent the night away from home and from what I have been told - she did very well.

The weekend before Thanksgiving we moved into a new house. Yes- you read that right- we moved!!! This was the third move for us in 2010! We hope to be in this house for quite a while. We were very blessed to find a house that will fit our family much better. It's also closer to family, church, work, and friends. No, it was not a lot of fun to move, but with the help of the guys from our Sunday School Class we made the move and are loving our new home.

Emma's First Thanksgiving:

At the beginning of December Emma had another ear infection and fluid still on her ears. Dr. Farmer (our wonderful pediatrician) recommended we visit the ENT to discuss Tubes. Well, on December 15 Emma had Tubes put in and did great!! She has had fluid free ears ever since. We are still praying for her hearing...she doesn't seem to be "passing" the hearing test. They say this can be caused by the fluid that was on her ears for three months. We are scheduled to visit Children's Hospital in Birmingham on Feb. 2 where they can do a better hearing test on a 9 month old. :) We are claiming that all is well and Emma will pass these tests. We KNOW that she can hear. She babbles, laughs, turns when she hears her name, and responds to other sounds. The doctors are really surprised she is not passing the test. So after Feb. 2 we should know something more.

Speaking of December- What a wonderful and BUSY month!!!!
Like many family's in America- Bradley and I had Christmas party to attend every weekend in December. It was lots of fun to share the joy and happiness of Christmas with our friends and family.

Emma met Santa Claus for the first time and did GREAT!! She is really still too young to know what's going on. Next year will be the interesting year.

We had a wonderful Christmas Eve service at FWC again this year. It is such a wonderful way to spend Christmas Eve.
Christmas morning was fun- Emma was more interested in the wrapping paper and tissue paper than the actual presents. We were all blessed with WAY more than we deserve. Bradley and I continued our tradition of giving a little gift to our parents and adopting an additional Salvation Army Child in their honor to show and share Christ's love to others. It was a great morning to wake up and share with family and also think about the many Salvation Army children that were also waking up to presents because someone loved them.
Here is Emma in her new PJ's from MawMaw and Papa (her great-grandparents)

The New Year was pretty uneventful for us. When your child goes to bed at 6:30 the thrill of staying up until midnight - just doesn't seem as much fun. Maybe next year. Ha Ha!

Emma can now pull up and stand while holding on to something. She loves to be tickled and laugh. She can do the army crawl, but her favorite mode of transportation is rolling. I have never seen a child roll so much. She said ba-ba, ma-ma, and da-da (in that order), but says ba-ba more than anything. She loves to bounce, play peek-a-boo, and patty cake. She is also learning to give kisses. SO so sweet!!! She is such a precious baby!!!

I guess that brings you up to date on everyone. I hope to post more often, but I won't make any promises. I will just do my best. :)

Much Love,

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